Campaign Notes

Lore Discovered


No mere firecracker, this new instrument of destruction rivals the most powerful bombardments in terms of sheer catastrophic potential, yet its size is relatively diminutive; it can contain a hundred cannons’ worth of energy in a tube no larger than a goblin’s forearm. Never before has such a powerful explosive existed in such a compact form. It’s no exaggeration to claim that Gattlebee’s invention promises to shake the foundations of the known world.

In its raw state, pyronite is a viscous semi‑transparent gel prone to catastrophic combustion at the slightest bump. Such volatile substances are not unknown on Golarion, but their unpredictable nature is exactly what makes such concoctions so rare and unwieldy.

Geb-Nex War

The magocracies of Nex and Geb go to war in -892 AR a conflict which lasts nearly 1,500 years. The first skirmishes occurring along the Ustradi River happen in the place where the middle of the Mana Wastes is found today.